We believe very strongly that God called us from day one of The Well to share with others what He is teaching us and showing in our ministry.

We ran our first training course in 2003, which more than 60 people attended, and since then we have been running them regularly, to build our Prayer Team, and to pass this training onto other groups and Churches.

Introductory Video

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Healing Training Foundation Evening (HTC Foundation)

The Foundation course is even more accessible to church prayer teams. It is especially suitable for:

  • Those who are currently on a healing prayer team who want encouragement and further training;
  • Church leaders who want to start or develop a healing ministry in their church. The course would be good for them, as well as potential team members.

This evening course has been created specifically to equip church prayer teams for prayer ministry during or after church services. It will provide confidence, practical help and resources to help you ensure that you use these short prayer sessions to maximum effect. This course is based on Jesus’ own healing ministry and offers a mixture of Bible teaching, practical tips and prayer tools that can easily be used in church settings.

Healing Training Day (HTC1)

The Training Day is essential for those who want to join The Well’s Prayer Team. An application process follows the course.

It is especially suitable for:

  • Those who have attended The Well’s Healing Training Foundation Evening and have a taste for more!
  • Those who are currently on a healing prayer team but want encouragement and further training;
  • Youth leaders who might bring their group to the course so their young people learn how to pray with others in school, or college;
  • Church leaders who want to start a healing ministry in their church. The course would be good for them, as well as potential team members.

Building on the Foundation course, the training day on 29th February will provide more training, resources and teaching about how to grow and develop in healing prayer ministry. Every delegate will receive a Well Training Manual to accompany the training.

The Course aims to give a biblical framework for healing prayer. Both sessions of the training course will be a mixture of teaching, Bible input, the theory and principles of prayer, practical demonstrations and plenty of hands-on experience!

The next Healing Training courses will be: