Growing up on a Manchester council estate surrounded by drugs, crime and violence, I was constantly fearful. I rebelled, resorting to alcohol, drugs and crime to drive the fear away. At fifteen I went to prison. When I came out, I tried to change. I moved home, hung out with good people, got counselling – but I always ended up back inside. I heard about Jesus and how he could give me a new start whilst at a Christian rehab in Coventry. But after rehab I just went back to my old ways. Finally I cried out to God to save me. Within days I lost all desire to do drink and drugs.
I got baptised and went to live in Royal Leamington Spa with some Christians I’d met in Coventry, and started going to church.
That’s where I heard about The Well.
I’d given up drink, drugs and crime, but was still struggling with fear and longstanding issues. So I decided to give The Well a try.
The Well was the family I had never had. I felt welcomed, loved and accepted. They prayed for me and shared encouraging Scripture and I felt God’s powerful presence and love.
After a few prayer ministry sessions, the fear that had haunted me all my life began to lift.
I started volunteering at The Well, helping set up for events. Through this, God helped me develop a sense of dignity and self-worth.
All my life, I’d worked the benefits system, but now God gave me a deep desire to work. It’s not easy getting work when you have a criminal record as long as mine. The Well helped me apply for a position as a caretaker for a local church – my first ever paid job at the age of twenty-eight!

Since then, I’ve got a diploma, worked with adults with mental health issues and become an evangelist. I’ve also bought a house and married Ania, a beautiful woman of God. Currently, I manage a café and a team of volunteers for a charity that helps the homeless, ex-convicts and drug addicts. I use my life experiences to help them get back on their feet. And I’m about to start studying for a theology degree at Bible College. I’m so grateful to God for saving and healing me, and to The Well for believing in me and helping me.