We often receive stories and testimonies of how through healing prayer God has worked in people's lives. Here are just some of them.
I had been harbouring some issues from my childhood with regard to never feeling loved by my mother. I was always seeking approval from people and even my children. Now I can just be me and know that I don’t need anyone’s approval any more.
I developed conjunctivitis which made me ultra-sensitive to light. I’m so pleased that somebody invited me to come to the Well for this healing ministry. I was healed! The light sensitivity was gone and I was completely back to normal.
Not only has God healed me from PCOS (which, medically, has no cure), he has also healed me from hypoglycaemia.
From the first online session I felt an amazing sense of what I can only describe as deep peace, relaxation and a physical feeling of warmth. I have continued to have an amazing sense of God’s presence.
After an incredible prayer ministry session with the team, the strings were cut to signify the strings that sought to control my ministry. The puppet was free, and in that action, in that moment, I too was free.
Of course I would have loved my Dad to have been healed of cancer, but as Anne put it to me I put it to you in this short testimony. Death is the ultimate healing in Christ Jesus. My Dad lived his life really well but thanks to The Well, he died really well too.
They prayed graciously for my physical healing and for the removal of any psychological and spiritual blocks that might hinder healing. There was a sense of peace.
In the summer of 2016 we started trying to have a second child. After more than a year of trying unsuccessfully, we were concerned and saddened. We attended a prayer appointment together at The Well in November.
You may have been feeling very safe in your own home during lockdown, and be very fearful about change. But do you want fear to rule you? Or do you want to be yourself and be free?
I have been amazed by God and how He speaks through the words given each time I go. They are just so right for me personally. It’s like God himself speaking directly into my circumstances and situation.
On every single inner healing appointment, God came and met with me, and set me free from all this stuff I had been carrying, from shame, from all this pain that I carried from the past.
I feel incredibly different; I seem to be able to breathe more deeply and feel a deeper joy inside of me. I have a new confidence and I believe that God has heard the cry in my heart regarding concerns and patterns in my Family Tree.
I thank God that through all of The Well’s online ministries, He causes hope to rise in me and enables me to experience His peace.
The entire winter I’d been plagued with intermittent, very bad headaches, lasting for over a week and longer. So I went to Soaking Prayer…
My grandson was born two months early and weighing 2lbs 4oz. A month later I had proxy prayers at The Well with a prayer team. My family are now less anxious and more peaceful, and great fun to be with. Praise Jesus, and thank you Lord for The Well.
My name’s Gary. Through The Well’s ministry, God dramatically transformed my life.
I’d had a car accident and been off work for three months. The pain was quite bad and the week before I was due back at work I came to The Well for prayer. Then they prayed about my lower back and I felt something shift a bit. In the car going home I told my friend my back was fine. I continually thank God for his grace!
I could feel the power of the intercessory prayer pulling me back to life
I must thank the prayer partners who prayed for my complete healing. I am feeling much better.
My daughter’s ongoing illness has been very stressful and draining, both physically and emotionally. As a result of prayer ministry at The Well, I now have that powerful inner peace which only comes from our Father God.
My mind is being renewed and I can see myself differently.
I was overwhelmed by the warmth and welcome of the team; by their professionalism but also their compassion and understanding of my situation. I found myself being released from a lot of hurt, pain and unforgiveness that I had been carrying for many years. It gave us the belief and understanding that nothing was impossible for God.
I left feeling much lighter and happier than when I came in.
The healing and restoration I have experienced has been so immense, and given me such peace and such comfort, that I can’t really speak highly enough of the impact it’s had on my life.